where do we go from here?

The breeze was warm. The beach had no swarm of people around it. Summer is almost over. People are going back to their usual lives. Charles was sitting on the sand watching the waves crash to the shore. He felt the gushes of warm wind to his face. He closed his eyes and tried toContinue reading “where do we go from here?”

i can help you, but you gotta let me in

Rain was pouring heavily outside. It was the middle of the night. I can feel the flooding on the streets. The wind gushes hard that I can hear its whistles. The nails holding down the roof of my house slowly unhinging as the roof dances with the wind. And I was half awake. I can’tContinue reading “i can help you, but you gotta let me in”

i swear i’ll never leave again

The night was young and the silence was eerie. The room was filled with darkness. I hate the night. It feels lonely. I’m all alone with my thoughts again and I ran out of distractions. My whole life after her were filled with distractions. I can’t seem to go back to normal since she leftContinue reading “i swear i’ll never leave again”

we only meet in funerals – part 1

Today, I just got a bad news about my friend. He passed away. I knew him since high school. First year, actually. Apparently, his life long battle with diabetes finally got to him. Mark was one of my best friends within our circle. They were Mark, John, Jay, Ren, Gian, Bob and Adrian. We allContinue reading “we only meet in funerals – part 1”

you make me want to come inside the house

I’ve been in a staring contest with this guy on the house in front of us. The road and our front lawn are the only 2 things that separates us. He was sitting in a rocking chair in his house’s front porch. He was just staring at me even before I saw him. What isContinue reading “you make me want to come inside the house”

i dreamt that one day, the bad stopped existing.

i dreamt that one day we suddenly stopped feeling sad. no more envy, hate, sorrow. i dreamt that people stopped arguing about racial differences, religion, politics. everybody became neutral. i dreamt that no war happened. nothing was fought for and nothing was kept. everything was for everyone. i dreamt that love was never ending. noContinue reading “i dreamt that one day, the bad stopped existing.”

compromising – a short story

Emmy and Ryan have been on a relationship for 5 years. They live in together, and they basically know everything there is to know with each other. For 5 years, they have argued and fought about almost everything. This night, that 5 year relationship might be in jeopardy. Due to the pandemic, they have beenContinue reading “compromising – a short story”

the dream that changed his life.

dreams are not real. whatever happens in your dreams are figments of things you’ve done, things you want to do, and things you wish you did. “Good night”, Riz said to his girlfriend, Ari. They were both lying comfortably under the sheets on their queen size mattress on the floor of their flat. “Good night”,Continue reading “the dream that changed his life.”

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