time pass, places stay the same

One of my favorite photos. 3rd one is years after, and only days after Robert’s death. Its painful to see that time isn’t slowing down. Its difficult to accept that the past can never be relived as it was. I had, and still have, great friends, and I’m glad I had them in that stageContinue reading “time pass, places stay the same”

we only meet in funerals – part 4

It’s been 5 years since Gian’s death. Ren quit his job the same year we last met. Robert had another kid. Jay finally got a girlfriend and married her right away. Adrian was just about to get married. He invited the boys and me to be his best men. As for me, I stayed atContinue reading “we only meet in funerals – part 4”

we only meet in funerals – part 3

The next week came and we met up as promised, but not the way we planned. Gian didn’t make it back home. He got into a car crash. Apparently, he fell asleep while driving. I should’ve insisted he stay and rest up. I feel like this was on me. His body was cremated and hisContinue reading “we only meet in funerals – part 3”

we only meet in funerals – part 2

2 years have passed. John passed way, leaving his wife and 2 kids. He died in a car crash. He was headed home. I remember when the boys and I said that we would see each other again when Mark died and that it wouldn’t take place in a funeral. I guess words are justContinue reading “we only meet in funerals – part 2”

we only meet in funerals – part 1

Today, I just got a bad news about my friend. He passed away. I knew him since high school. First year, actually. Apparently, his life long battle with diabetes finally got to him. Mark was one of my best friends within our circle. They were Mark, John, Jay, Ren, Gian, Bob and Adrian. We allContinue reading “we only meet in funerals – part 1”

talking but nothing in particular

I felt this feeling before, the feeling of wanting to talk to someone, nothing in particular, just talk. Im not sure if I like it. I dont want to depend my stability to others. I am happy I have someone to talk to, and actually enjoy the small talks, the casual talks, but I alwaysContinue reading “talking but nothing in particular”

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