uninspired, unenthusiastic

I’ve been feeling stressed out lately. I had tons of drafts I wanted to publish but can’t seem to finish it. I wasn’t like this before, back when everything was ‘normal’. I used to make short stories in less than an hour. I’m hella tired from work and all, but I still found the energy to write every once in a while if an idea pops into my head. Nowadays, it’s just me succumbing to video games and TV series.

I wouldn’t call it a phase of depression though. And also, I’ve been stress eating a lot and my sleeping schedule is messed up. I would go to bed at 5pm and wake up at 12 midnight, then eat, then sleep again at 2am, wake up at 6am, eat breakfast, watch a series while playing a mobile game, eat lunch, take a nap, smoke some cigarettes, then sleep again at 5pm. Unless something eventful happens, that’s my everyday life. I’m not thrilled about it. Since I graduated (actually, even before I formally graduated), I’ve been working nonstop, just getting that bread. This pandemic freezed me. I was only supposed to be on vacation for 40 days. My mind and body wasn’t ready for this kind of slacking off. I need to be busy again. I need the distraction to get me through the remaining years of my uneventful life.

I’m not the type to do things out of spite, but if the person or thing or whatever it is responsible for this pandemic suddenly shows up in front me, I’d bitch slap the fuck out of it/him/her.

I wish everything could go back to normal in a jiff.

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