sleeping sorrows – jd (with NGYN, Esydia)

i woke up one day and you’re already gone. man, I was really dumb. the other day I was just kissing you. but today, babe Im just missing you. whatever happened to me keeping my promises. i dont blame when you left when you got your chance. i know what i did was on yourContinue reading “sleeping sorrows – jd (with NGYN, Esydia)”

i dreamt that one day, the bad stopped existing.

i dreamt that one day we suddenly stopped feeling sad. no more envy, hate, sorrow. i dreamt that people stopped arguing about racial differences, religion, politics. everybody became neutral. i dreamt that no war happened. nothing was fought for and nothing was kept. everything was for everyone. i dreamt that love was never ending. noContinue reading “i dreamt that one day, the bad stopped existing.”

if you don’t want to talk i can respect that

The night was cold and late but Harold was wide awake. Nights turned morning for him and it was something he despised. He hated the night. It seemed endless for him. By the time he goes to sleep, the sun was just dawning. He has been like that for quite a while. He hasn’t seenContinue reading “if you don’t want to talk i can respect that”

movies i LOVE but definitely wouldn’t want to watch again

Hereditary (2017) Perhaps the scariest movie I’ve watched so far. Hereditary doesn’t rely on jump scares (which modern ‘horror’ films overused) and gets its creepiness by giving the viewer an uncomfortable feeling each sequence. I’ve watched it in the cinema and I can still remember how it made me crumble on my seat, something IContinue reading “movies i LOVE but definitely wouldn’t want to watch again”

before we go – a movie

I am consciously dodging this film for years for reasons I don’t know. But due to the lockdown and me not being able to do anything for the time being, I’ve decided to give the film a shot. And it became an instant favorite. The film was Chris Evans’ directorial debut and I saw thatContinue reading “before we go – a movie”

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