
I think what makes sleeping pills addictive is the thought that you could end the ‘day’ with ease, because just waiting to fall asleep is impossible when you cant stop thinking.

No amount of physical activity seems to exhaust you to the point of you wanting to close your eyes and rest, and you start to miss that. You start to crave for it.

Sleep is almost impossible to resist when it comes. But what if it doesn’t? Youre stuck living ‘this’ day. But what really is the difference between this day and tomorrow?

Sleep really isn’t the solution. Solution is the solution. We humor ourselves thinking that ‘its just a bad day’. Its never just a bad day; its a bad situation. And no amount of sleep or nap will let you escape that.

So, do you really need sleep? Or you need a solution? Or can you provide a solution?

Anyway, the pills are starting to register. Good night.

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