dont look at me as the Jd from the past because I worked hard to detach myself from him

I know its impossible. I cant possibly inform every one about it. My past mistakes will continue to be the very definition of me to other people. To some, I am that asshole who broke their hearts, I am that terrible friend who left them hanging, I am that guy they never went along with well. I know that I cant erase that. But I am trying my best to change it.

Its true, once the wrong things Ive done is there, I can never make it disappear. All I can do is bury it, hopefully with good deeds. Its harder if you have plenty to bury.

I am cleaning up the loose ends of my life. I am admitting my mistakes to some, and apologizing to most. I was never the perfect guy, never the perfect friend. I believe I am in below average as a nice person. I am acknowledging that now. I realized that if I keep denying things, I am not allowing myself to provide a solution to it. As much as it hurts, I am acknowledging that I wasnt as nice as I thought I was.

I know its impossible to clean the loose ends I left before I got to where I am now. I can only move forward.

So, to everyone Ive hurt before, I am sorry. That old guy is gone. I had to learn it the hard way. Trust me, Ive got my karma. I know there’s plenty more karma about to get me, I’ll gladly accept it. I want to continue learning.

I want to be the best version of myself to the few people I am yet to meet. And I want to be better for the people I value now.

I love you, my close friends, I care for all of you. Sorry if Ive done you wrong before. Thanks for sticking around. And to the new friends I have now, if you ever hear stories about me, just know that its not how I am anymore.

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