what exactly is my purpose in life?

Ever wrote a story so good, you were afraid to end it? That if you did end it, you dont know what to do after. That’s the beauty of writing, the ability to create a temporary world you can get yourself lost into.

But sometimes, it can be a bad thing. You get lost enough, you never want to go back to your sad reality. I believe that people with very wide imaginations tend to be the saddest.

Its basically like reading a book, only you dont get to decide what happens.

I applaud writers who end their stories with a depressing tone. I find it unbearable to leave it like that, even though those are the kind of stories I would read. Maybe Im just a realist, I know that things dont end up the way we wanted it to be. I mean, no matter how happy we are, there is this inevitable ending to it, which is death, of course.

Now, dont mistake me for a pessimist. I am just simply acknowledging the fact that we really dont matter. 200 years from now, no one will remember you. We dont even know our ancestors if we dont dig in to it. Unless you are some kind of a hero who saved thousands of lives, your name will not be remembered after a long time. Our graves will be replaced with another layer of soil, and we wont even know the names of our grandest children.

It does sound like what a pessimistic person would say, now that I think of it.

I have this weird obsession of making a mark in this world. Like I kind of want to be remembered by something I did, but doesnt want the attention that comes with it. Maybe its my way of denying the fact that I matter. That Im not just an NPC on a video game. I want to matter.

I tried believing in the after life. That something is there for us after we die in this lifetime. But what is it exactly? Is it another world like this? How special can it be? I never found answers, at least not yet.

Through the stories that I make, I create a world where I am special. Like Im the god of the world I made. That makes me feel better. Sad, isnt it?

Actually, its not. I truly realized that your purpose in this life isnt what fate will give you, but rather what you want it to be.

Mine is for sure making stories that will touch someones soul. I have a dream that I will write a story will be adapted to a movie and it will win awards because of how good is it. Im not only a writer, I als want to be a film director. I know its never too late to do that, I just need to work on it, which I am.

Soon, you will know my name as that guy who wrote and directed that movie that you cant get out of your head. Like Taxi Driver, Godfather and all those legendary films that is still relevant even after a long time.

That is my purpose. What’s yours?

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