i’ll complain less next year

Admit it or not, complaining feels good. There’s something about it that makes you feel like you achieved something. When one thing doesnt go the way you want it to be, you complain. Even when everything went the way you want it to be, but there was something you didnt like in between of it, you’ll complain about that one thing rather than enjoying the outcome.

Its basic human nature. I complain a lot, not going to deny that. But since I became conscious about that part of me, I became aware of the people around that does the same thing. It became unattractive to me. And with that realization, I started to hate myself for being like it.

Life has improved for me for the last couple of years. Im thankful for it. I appreciate myself for it, because I worked for it. I stepped out of every possible comfort zone I have and made new ones. I should always think about where I am now compare to where I was, and how I was 2 years ago. I shouldnt complain, right?

That’s how I want to be this upcoming year. Its a cliche, I know, but it makes sense once you really feel the essence of it. I thought I know everything before even before I experience first hand, because I thought I was smart and wise. The audacity of me to give advice about situations I dont have first hand experience to. It is true, and it cant be any truer; you learn something new everyday.

Dont take it as a new year’s resolution, but more of a change of heart: I will not complain, as much as possible, anymore this coming 2020. You should do the same too. The less we complain, the more we tend to understand. And when every one understands each other, the more friendlier we get.

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